Sunday, November 05, 2006

Remember remember the 5th of November

This morning, Aidan asked me if today were a special day. Apart from the fact it's a weekend and we don't have to work (hurrah!), I told Aidan about Guy Fawkes Day and the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 (after I brushed up myself on some of the details), and he asked if we were going to England tonight to see a bonfire. Alas, not this year....

One more set of hats to show, then I'll move onto something new. The first two designs I created are these two berets. The first beret I designed about five years ago, knit in Alice Starmore's Campion yarn. This was my favorite winter hat, worn day in and day out. Then one day in the cold, snowy winter of 2003, it disappeared. I thought I'd left it behind in a restaurant. Wasn't there. Checked the parking lot of all the places I'd been that day. No luck. I felt just sick to my stomach. I truly mourned the loss of that hat.

Then months later, in the spring, one of my coworkers said she'd seen something colorful in the parking lot, where the mountains of plowed-up snow was finally melting. There, in the salt and sand and dirty slush, was my hat! It had a few tears where it must have had a brutal encounter with a snowplow, but it was back! A good bath and a few skillful repairs later, I had my old faithful hat back again.

I designed the second hat to have a colorway reminiscent of the woods in late autumn. As much as I adore the colors of a New England autumn at its peak, I also love the earthy colors and the last shades of autumn are fading and winter is fast approaching.

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