Friday, January 19, 2007

snowy day

It's the tiniest of snowy days today, by New England standards. Maybe a quarter inch of wet slushy snow has fallen on the ground, not even enough to shovel. But there is something about snow, even a little bit, that makes the world slow down and become quieter. It's as if Mother Nature is putting a blanket over the world and telling you that humankind isn't really in control here. Today's snowfall isn't even to keep anyone in, but it's enough to dredge up memories and stories about snowstorms of all kinds, especially the Blizzard of '78. I wasn't in New England then, but I've heard the stories, and it gives me a healthy respect for what Mother Nature can do.

For me, though, snowy days make me really want to curl up on the couch and cover up with the Magic Afghan.

The Magic Afghan was knit by my mother probably 40 years ago, from acrylic yarns in then-fashionable shades of avocado green and harvest gold. It became known as the Magic Afghan because it used to always make me fall asleep when I wrapped myself in it. It's one of my prized possessions, and my kids are growing to love it the same way I do.


Anonymous said...

A little tiny bit of snow is just right for me. As you know, we got a bit more yesterday here in Boston. That's just enough.

Anonymous said...

It is nice to finally have snow even if it is just a little. I can see the magic in the afghan -- what a wonderful blanket for you and to pass on to your children!

Fiberjoy said...

What good memories are wrapped up in that special afghan. It looks like it's stood up well to the years of use.

How are the cherry trees handling this cold? I wonder if they'll blossom again in the proper spring.